1,000 words on bad service

The editorial staff of Nation's Restaurant News has been guffawing over this since Dallas bureau chief Ron Ruggles passed it along. Apparently it was anonymously e-mailed to him, without any indications if the sender was the restaurateur, the offended customer or just an amused onlooker. In any case, you have to admire the artwork for this piece of feedback.
Labels: feedback, guest input, Service
"If YOU don’t take care of YOUR customers someone else will"
In today’s society the expectations and demand for superior customer service and quick access to information is on the rise. So many businesses offering similar products with reasonable costs; to compete on price alone would be detrimental. In order to complete the package you have to add VALUE, offering superior on demand customer service. Even more important when you have a customer that experiences a product or service issue, where do they go? Can you say the level of service you provide to your customers is the best it can be? We should always be in search for new and innovative ways to enhance the guest’s experience.
Nick Bell
ServiceCheck Inc.
I think this is genius. If you think of all the money concepts put into advertising, instead of spending it on their staff and guests, it's not surprising that a lot of the general public feel as though service has gone out the window. Ask yourself a couple questions:
1. When is the last time you dined out and a manager did a "drive-by" just to see how things are going? Unsolicited table visits by managers have gone the way of the dodo bird and Betamax.
2. When is the last time you saw/heard a print, radio or TV ad for the Cheesecake Factory. NEVER! Having been a part of that company recently, I can tell you that the word of mouth concept is ingrained in everyone's mindset.
3. What is the point of difference between the Chili's/Applebee's/Bennigan's/Friday's of the world? The decor is the same, the food is mostly the same. Service will HAVE to the point of difference.
I truly feel there is a inverse proportion beteen how much a casual dining concept advertises and its service level. The smart companies spent their money on staff incentives, training courses, guest retention tools, etc.
Just my opinion.
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